Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday and water!!

I had a bit of a different schedule today, and it worked out pretty well! I did my usual morning of work from 8-1. Usually, I would have gone to the gym, but with as tired as I was, I went home and got in about 1.5 hours of sleep! I grabbed iced tea, just to make sure I'd be awake for the evening and afternoon.

Today was swimming day for the little girl I was watching. So, while she had her lesson, I got to go swim some laps!! It was freezing in the outside pool, and her lesson was almost over, so I only got a few laps in, but it felt great!! Then, I played in the pool with her for about 45 minutes too! There is a good chance I will do more of these afternoons, so how great would that be to get a mini workout in and get paid for it, because I am working. I feel blessed to have the flexibility and oportunities that I have had lately, it makes the marathon days okay for now. So, since I was new to the routine, we didn't get her back home until about 8:30(luckily we all did Jamba Juice for dinner)on my way to drop her off. Originally I wanted to go to bed by 8:30/9, but I needed to change the plan. On the way home, I used the ride to plan out EXACTLY what I needed to do to get the most possible sleep and still do what I needed to do. I need "wind down" time every day and I often find it in my car if I take the time to just focus on the game plan for when I get home. So, I planned out computer obligations, and my meals! when I got home, I just focused and the tasks at hand and got them done, including preparing and packing all meals for Thursday so that I can sleep in! I was in bed by 11pm and slept until 6:20am!!

I haven't talked much about my food and eating patterns lately, but I think that I am doing what Allison suggested, and seeing what is best for me. Here is what I'm figuring out so far: I have to eat within 1 hour of waking up, and it needs to be about 400-500 calories, unless I am going to workout, then I just do about 200 calories and eat 200-300 or so more an hour after the workout. I need to have protien and a carb at each meal. I generally have a green vegetable too, but as far as sustaining me, I need the other for sure! I NEED to drink a ton of water, by noon, I usually have consumed about 73 ounces.

STats for today:
calories burned:3068
calories consumed:2067
calorie deficit:1001

Not super happy about the total intake, but still lost almost 1/3 of a pound. I just looked at my food, and it seems that due to the schedule and not planning completely, my main source of protien for the day was Nuts. Those have great health benefits, but higher in fat. Even though it is good fat, I have to watch the calories. I generally have been trying to only have nuts 1-2 times a day and beans one time so that I get all of the health benefits of those, the variety, and the calorie and fat balance too.

If I had gotten off on time, I would have gone home and done the C25K, day 2. Since I didn't, I will do it on Thursday night.

How much water did you get in today? How about nuts, are they part of your diet on a regular basis? Beans? The health benefits for these are huge, I'll give you more about them tomorrow, but why not spend a few minutes and check it out online on your own? Doing the research often gets me excited about the information!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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