Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still succeeding on Sunday

I got about 6 hours of sleep since I had the leadership meeting I was up late. I got up and took the dog for a walk, and loaded up my car since I was headed back home from the pet sitting gig.

After I dropped everything off at home, I headed to the park to meet Beth. I walked with her last Sunday, and we decided to meet again this week! Remember how I was talking about my friend yesterday who was concerned about walking too slow? Well, today I was walking with Beth,and I remembered our walk last week. I was concerned about her having to walk to slow. She assured me that it was no big deal, just like I did with my friend yesterday. Now I know how she felt..it was a pretty cool realization. Well, today was much different. I walked a few times this week, and I was much more energetic and ready for a spedier walk. I don't really know if it was her fastest pace, but we sure were faster and farther than last week. We had finished our route back at our cars, and when I looked at the distance that we had walked, we were at 2.87miles. We decided to keep going so that we could hit 3 miles. We finished with 3.33, I think. I was so excited and was feeling so energetic!! I got home, did lots of things around here, and visited with some neighbors, it was a fabulous afternoon.

In the evening I went to see my sister, and after helping her with some things, we ended up taking a walk, and we ended up walking about 1.5 miles!

It ended up being a great day for seeing people that I cared about and for activity, that's for sure!

I also have to tell you about something strange. I was behind on reading my emails from Jillian's webiste.(I have them automatically go into a folder so I can read thaem later) So today I went to look at them and how crazy, the title of one of her emails was, "How to turn a Problem into an Opportunity" I was freaking out...I was on the same wavelength as Jillian!! I know, I'm goofy, but it was just so shocking!! some good things to think about from her.

I will be kicking off tomorrow with a very refocused attitude, and back to the Couch to 5K!! Oh, and weigh in happens too!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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