Wednesday, February 16, 2011

tired Tuesday and Jillian sleep advice

Well, only 4 hours of sleep last night, and it is promising to be a very busy day, but only one job in the morning, so that is nice!

I started the day with a great breakfast as usual. I also added green tea so I could have a little caffiene push. It totally helped me through the morning where I had more activity than usual since I was able to take the little girl that I watch to the park before school. After that, errands(seriously, do those EVER end!), then met up with my friend, Jon, and went for a walk. We were limited on time, but we got changed, headed to the track and walked 3.10 miles in 44.51minutes. It was so great!! In less than 70 minutes, we met, changed, drove to the track and walked 3 miles!! It is just such a good reminder that even if you don't have a ton of time, you can do something! I headed out for a long drive north for a hair cut and a leadership meeting, which was so amazing but it was 2:20am when I got home, so getting up at 6am, was challenging, and I am very tired.

I did pretty well with food until I got in the car to drive north. It was kind of strange. I needed to get some water, so I stopped at a convenience store. my old habit might have been to grab a bag of chips or something like that. Today, it wasn't really time for me to eat, but I had finished the walk about an hour prior, and was starving. I ended up getting peanuts. Not so bad of a choice, right? I got 3 packs, intending for them to be one for then and the other if I needed it another time or late tonight. by the time that I got home, they were all gone, and I had purchased food at the restaurant because I was famished. The lack of sleep makes me hungry, for sure, I think I've talked about that before. In addition, I thought that it would give me the energy to make my 1.5 hour drive home.

I am frustrated because of the calories that I added, but not defeated at all. I didn't add junk food, I added protien, so I made better choices when i added the calories for sure!! Tomorrow will be better, I already planned most of my meals for Wednesday. I will just have to work out more thursday-sunday.

The crazy thing was that in my daily email from Jillian's website this morning, it was like Jillian had been reading my blog and sending me a message! The article for the day was titled "Sleep and it's Hormone effect"

Here is her tip:
Stress and Sleep

Perhaps one of the biggest causes and symptoms of the hormonal shutdown from stress is when people start to cut into their hours of quality sleep. The percentage of young adults sleeping eight to nine hours per night has almost been cut in half in the past 50 years, from 40 percent in 1960 to 23 percent in 2002. During the same time period, the incidence of obesity has nearly doubled. Coincidence?"

Something to really think about, huh?

No stats for today, I was too tired to sync my bodybugg tonight, so will add the stats later if you want to come back and check them out.

here are the stats:
calories burned:2928
calories consumed:2629
calorie deficit:299
so, I guess even though I made good choices, the calories were so high!! UGGG well, it's okay, and I totally learned from THAT!!! Why did I even buy them??? I think, like I said, it was a habit in the past on long drives. No more..unless I bring from home!! The good thing is...I still had a deficit, even though it was so small!! geeze, I can't believe I ate 2629 calories...crazy!!!!

I'm looking forward to my nap at 1:45 and sleep tonight..make sure you get yours in too, okay???

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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