Tuesday, February 8, 2011

are you in control of your time, or is it in control of you?

It is Tuesday morning, and I am reflecting on yesterday...

No weigh in..scale is messed up..time for new one.

What is wrong with me? A very inactive day today at work. Also feeling tired. Not enough sleep, and in my 'text confession' to Allison, I said, "As much as I try and fight it, I just have to make myself go to bed and get my 7/8 hours of sleep in." I think I have said it before, but I will say it again, I do not like that I have to spend time sleeping, preparing food and eating. I wish that I could just take a pill to not have to do these things. However, I'm not in "La-La Land" and I am just a human, and I need to do these thigns. So, what's the reason that I don't like to do them? I have no idea. It's not like I have no time. Well, sometimes it is because I have no time, but for the most part, I have the time, I jsut want to do other things. It all comes down to my priorities. What is most important to me. What am I working towards? what will make the biggest impact in my life? is it TV?-NO, is it work-NO(though sometimes I need to do more of that than I'd like for financial reasons)...it HAS to be my health.

I decided to revisit what I posted on 1-1-11...the dear abby thing. go check it out if you need a reminder about "just for today". I think it will move me forward. A new game plan is in order, because what I am doing and thinking isn't working.

--I will be taking Allison advice and tracking my food and seeing which foods are carrying me through and for how long and I will be sending my food log to Sabra at the end of the week for her to look at.

--as silly as it sounds, I will make sure that my list of "have-to's" are done before I get to anything fun, like chilling out and watching a DVD or reading a book that is not part of my business or my health goals..things like that.

--I will write into my schedule my work out times and what exercise/activities I will be doing that day.

--I will also post here daily and start to give you stats about calorie intake/burn/deficit again to hold myself accountable so that I can see what I did and where I need to improve.----I did this in the beginning, and when I stopped, things in my body changed. why would I stop what was working?

--By Sunday, I will have photos, quotes and goals ALL posted on my wall(it only has a few on there now). Photos from the cruise and all the people who have helped me on my journey will be up there for sure!

I want to leave you with a quote that I saw on facebook today. I boy I used to do some nanny work with years ago has grown into a great young man, and he posted this(thanks, Cannon for your reminder!)--no idea who originally said it,

"A man who dares to waste one hour of his time has not discovered the value of life."

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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