Sunday, February 6, 2011

new and improved..Thank you Lisa and Matt!!!

No, I didn't get some crazy plastic surgery or a make over. However, my apartment did! Like I mentioned, I picked up a Lifecycle 5500 and a Landice 17 treadmill, courtesy of a couple that I work for on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Matt and Lisa. They are updating their home gym and were getting rid of these two pieces and asked if I would like to have them. So, the remainder of this journey to my goal weight is officially dedicated to Lisa and Matt. Thank you, thank you a million times thank you, I will make you happy that you chose to give these to me!

In addition, as you can see, the blog has a new look too! I put a few things like food tip, fitness tip and motivational quote, and daily dare and a BMI calculator. We'll see if they prove worthy to stay on the blog, or if they are just clutter. I also added a couple of links! Jeanette Jenkins and Marco Borges websites. Would love to get feedback on what you think!

I got 11 hours of sleep, and woke up a bit refreshed, but very stiff from sleeping so long. I took my time getting ready, and then off to a job from 2-8. This job worked out really well, took a walk with the boy I was watching, and did a ton of dishes for the family. After I got home, just woked on the blog and did a few things here. Also trying to get some things out of my apartment on freecycle and craigslist too!

Calorie intake is a tricky thing I am trying to figure out. I have actually started to think about trying a different schedule. I used Jeanette Jenkins calorie per day calculator, and it said that I needed about 2424 calories per day to maintain my weight. That FREAKED ME OUT!!! I wrote to Jeanette to ask about what to do if I am trying to decrease my weight. Luckily I found a response to someone else that said to decrease my calories by 500/day and that would be 1 pound per week. I am still waiting to find out for sure, and need to read more in her book. she also recommends eating every 2-3 hours, so 6/7 meals a day. I have been experimenting a bit trying to figure out what might work better..this or Jillian's 4 meals a day. Results of the experiment will show up on Monday probably, but I will keep it up for a week longer too, to see what I find out--I'll let you know!

I am off to bed and excited about a walk with my new friend, Beth, in the morning!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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