Monday, February 21, 2011

Sluggish but Successful Saturday C25K week 1, day 2

It is Monday night and I have posted for Friday and now Saturday's. I hope you read yesterday's blog about sugar, some interesting information for me, I hope it is for you too!!

Well, I ended the overnight job at 7am and the weather outside was about 40, I incredibly cold(okay, for California standards). I turned onto the freeway and saw the most amazing thing, all of the mountains were covered in snow! I was trying to formulate a game plan for the day and really wanted to get a work out in, but knew that I needed sleep. I got home and ate a little breakfast, read a little and then headed to bed. I had planned to walk with a friend, but it got cancelled. The unfortunate thing was that I had no energy to do much of anything, not even a walk. I kept wanting to work out, and my body was just so fatigued. I only slept about 5 or 6 hours, but wanted to be back on track for sleep tonight. So, I got up and had some lunch. Then, I did it, C25k: week 1, day 2!! All of the run time was done at 4.6! Before when I had done my running, I was only at 4.5, so I decided to start at 4.6. My hip was feeling okay and I was feeling so happy that I did it, even though I was mentally tired. I had a job for about 6 hours, got home and did very little.

I am feeling that I just can't do this overnight job when I am working other jobs. Even when I get the hours of sleep in, I feel fatigued and have no desire to do anything. It's like my body can't adjust to the schedule. I don't feel healthy at all, it stinks.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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