Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's Day to all!

I wanted to start with apologizing up front for any typing, grammar or punctuation errors and of course, rambling. I am mainly focused on just getting my thoughts out there, but I'll improve, I promise.

I had today off, so I started out with grand plans to do a ton of working out today. I also had a ton of errands to run, dads to see, and meals to plan. I started to realize that I need to better manage my time to match my priorities and goals. Right now, my priority is my health, but there are always things that have to get done. I know this is a struggle for everyone, but something that I have learned through reading Jillian's book and from many other books and speakers I know, is that goals need to be written down and seen daily to make them happen. Kinda like if you want to go on a trip, you have to decide on the destination before you can go there right? Like so many things, just because I know what to do, doesn't mean I always do them. I need to change my thinking if I want to change my life.

I also thought a bunch about habits that I need to change, that I didn't even know think about being habits. I went to Jack in the Box today..No, I didn't eat some high calorie meal. I ordered a side of rice and side of vegetables with half the rice and double the vegetables and I got water. The old habit would have been to get it with all the rice, and possibly order a lemonade. I planned to add hemp seed for some protien, but totally forgot to add it. No protien made me feel hungry before the 4 hour mark. ugg..lesson learned.

Ongoing goals: Minimum of 7 hours of sleep, eating all food groups at each meal, every 4 hours and no food after 9pm. This last one is still a challenge, but mainly because I get up later, go to bed later. However, I am always done eating at least 2 hours before food and bed.

Progess for today:
I got 8 hours of sleep, I stayed within my calorie goal, I also tried something new, grilled asparagus and egg plant on my new grill pan! I did some exercise. It was only about 30 minutes, 16 was riding a stationary bike 5 miles then some weights and jump rope. I reactivated my bodybugg, purchased food scale, some new cooking supplies, some healthy food, including tofu, and ordered a new pair of work out shoes. I also pulled out some cook books to help me figure out how to have more protien and variety in my diet. Will soak the dry beans so tomorrow I can make some chili. Wish me luck!

Goals before tomorrow night: Tonight and tomorrow I will be making short, mid and long term goals, along with "rewards" for attaining those goals for meals, exericise, eating times and sleep.

Learning and growing into a healthier me,
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure what Jillian's inspired journey was going to be about. I thought it was about one of the kids you nanny. Well I was pleasantly surprised. Wow. You have a lot of determination and it's inspiring. I had fun reading your posts. I also am curious about those shoes. haha.What is your book you read? Well, thanks for sharing. good luck.-shelly
