Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi, welcome to my blog, and thanks for reading it!

So here’s my many of you, I have battled with my weight for many years. I have tried many organized forms of weight loss, read books and tried those methods, done a detox…does any of this sound familiar? I’ve made a decision and the time it now to conquer this.

All of this big transformation started to snowball in January 2008 when I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and I had to make a major lifestyle change and go gluten free. Then in December 2008 I became debt free. That brings me to April 2010when I became clutter free. I went through every single thing that I own and decided to donate it, shred it, recycle it or keep it. Basically everything that I kept is something that I use regularly, inspires me, or are memories from my childhood. I have always read things that say to de-clutter and it will feel amazing! Or, get rid of that extra stuff, it is smothering you. Well, I guess I needed to experience it myself to really get it, but now I get it and can I just say…it felt like 400 pounds was lifted off of my shoulders!!!

So, you might be asking why I say that this is a “Jillian inspired journey”. Let’s see, I don’t watch TV at home, but online I watch the Biggest Loser and now Losing it with Jillian. She has always inspired me with how she has helped so many people. I think that recently with her new show, you get to see even more of her heart and about who she is and that she just wants to help as many people as she can. The focus is always fitness and food, but through her example with the people she helps I see that the biggest thing is to realize I needed to look inside of myself and figure out why I am the way I am with food.

I am a single woman who works as a nanny for many families. I eat a vegetarian diet that is gluten free and rarely consume refined sugar. I have 110 pounds to go to get to my goal weight and in reaching any goal, you need to have it written down and you need to have a deadline. So, here is my BHAG(Big hairy audacious goal)…I want to go on Jillian Michael’s wellness cruise, October 21-25, and be healthier than I am now. That gives me 122 days, and my goal is to lose 60 pounds by that date.

Now..why the blog? Well, I do better with accountability, and hopefully something that I say will help you and something you say will help me. That's what it's all about, right? it takes a community and no one can do it alone. Please push me for details, call me on my excuses and let me know what you think I can do to be better.

Thanks again for reading.

Learning and growing into a healthier me
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Cindy!! Taking the first step is the hardest. Congratulations! I wish you the very best on your journey!
