Monday, June 28, 2010


Hello all!

Well, week one is complete basically and I have written out all of my goals. However, it is 1:15am, and I have a very busy day tomorrow, so all of the goals will be posted by then. I am also trying to find a way to post on a separate section of the blog.

My activity was not up all the way, my calories were were they should be for a total deficit of 1058. I have found that with eating 4 meals a day, I focus on a breakfast that is about 400-500 calories, lunch about 350-400, snack and dinner about 300 each, then I stay below my calorie target of 1600 per day. It is so much easier for me to break it down that way. Then at the end of the day I usually look on the bodybugg site at the distribution of calories, and find out where the calories are out of balance (protien, carbs, fat) and try and figure out better choices for next time.

I made some gluten free flafels tonight to have this coming week. Of course they taste the best fried, but obviously that wouldn't be the healthiest choice, right? You will never guess how I cooked them...I used my grill pan!! (yes, I also think that I am becoming obsessed). I also cooked some in the oven, we'll see which taste better, but the ones from the grill pan look better.

I have a weigh-in in the morning. Wish me luck!

Okay, tomorrow will be a much more exciting post, I am tired and really need to get the sleep in, work, moving back home, grocery shopping, cleaning up where I am leaving, unpacking at the new place, posting my goals for all of you to see, going to the gym for atleast 30 min...I am getting tired just thinking about tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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