Tuesday, April 26, 2011

weigh-ins, get a coach, and goal date

as you can tell, I am waaay behind on updating you!!

I forgot to tell you that on the new "Sabra path", I did my second weigh-in on 4/18, I moved 4 pounds closer to my goal!! now I have a total of 7.8 pounds in 2 weeks!!

I can't believe I am doing such a strange post, but feel like I have so much to say, but just not really the time to say it. I was so thrilled when I hit 7.8 pounds in just 2 weeks. Like I said, Sabra is a key factor. I know that I did the work, but we all need someone who has either walked the same path, or knows how to work through the path effectively, if we hope to obtain what they have. In sports, it's a coach. In business, it's a mentor...whatever you want to call it, Sabra is that for me. We have become amazing friends, and I LOVE that so much because she is the kind of person that you want in your life. Someone to support you, listen, share stories..you know, a great friend! However, when we are talking about training, goals, weight, food, exercies..I call her "coach". Kinda funny, you hear athletes talk so much about their coaches, and it's great, but I don't think i thought about a coach for me throughout my journey. Why? I have no idea. I mean I thought about hiring a personal trainer, but this is not what I thought it would be like. If I had hired one, it wouldn't be Sabra, and not nearly as amazing as her.

Moving on, I will stop gushing about the fact that I have the best trainer that could ever help me, and I feel very fortunate!!

Weigh-in on 4/25...um, hello...4 pounds closer to my goal, for a total of 11.8 pounds in 3 weeks!!

Again, I didn't do this alone, if you dont' have a coach, find one. Yes, I know, none will be as amazing at listening, being serious with you, helping you achieve your goals as Sabra, but it's okay to get second best, as long ast you know that person's track record in trainging other people.

I know the blogging has been very weak, but the amount of acitivity I have been doing has taken up my time. There have been days that I burned 4000 calories and had a deficit of almost 3000. There are days I eat 1200 calories adn days I eat 1700. And lately, this past week, especially, I just find a friend that wants to chat on the phone, and I go and walk miles and miles within my target heart range, and talk to them at the same time. When I talked to my mom about it, she said, "well, it's better to do the activity than write about it, right?" okay..enough said, and I took my brilliant mom's advice and focused on the activity.

I to have a ton more to share, and I will, but just not tonight.

Okay, so before the cruise I hit 50 pound loss and was 188 pounds. On 4/25, I hit 190 and thus I have just 45 pounds to go to reach my goal weight of 145, right? So how is that math working? SO funny, I have been trying to figure it out. I decided that the new leg of this journey is called, "the Sabra leg" I know, funny..any better suggestions? On this Sabra journey, so far, 11.8 pounds and 45 away from my goal. I will be celebrating with a movie this week. I guess since my original goal was 100 pounds, and I only have 45 left, I have lost 55 pounds and my math was just off somewhere in the "pre-Sabra journey". In talking with Sabra, we kinda looked at the numbers and decided that August 1st is my target date to hit my goal. It's ambitious, yes, but don't we set goals to be challenged and work hard towards something so it can actually feel like an accomplishment?

Now ya know, it is out there, August 1, 2011...Goal 145 pounds!!

thanks for checking in on the journey with me! I love getting your comments and suggestions, keep them coming, please!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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