Sunday, August 1, 2010

where did the day go??

Well, the day started out with taking the dogs out. I slept better than I thought I would, but not fabulously. Then I packed up my things and headed to racquetball with my nephew, Grant. I didn't win, but we had close games, and there were no shut outs!! I even made him sweat, so I know that I did okay. I am hoping that in time, we will be more equally matched. Time will tell.

After the racquetball, and hanging out a bit, I had some more pets to check on, then home to finish getting the house ready for my friend and her 2 cool kids to come and stay with me for a few days. At about 1:30, I hit a wall, and took a 2.5 hour nap. I couldn't believe it, but I guess I was tired. I finished at the apartment, checked on pets, but did no major gym time. The knee is still bothering me, I haven't done any C25K all week, and I am thinking that will set me back. I am hoping that all of the stuff on the Wii that I have been doing will be enough so I can get back in the running mode tomorrow. Oh, I did my 150 crunches tonight. I didn't start feeling any "burn" until about 70, and it was minor, so that is good, because Monday it goes up to 175 per day!!

Tonight when they got here, we took the kids out for a moonlight walk and play on the playground. When the kids were getting to bed, I sync'd my bodybugg and was 15 calories short of my 1900 deficit goal, and only 5 minutes to burn them. I think that I would have burned them just with moving around the apartment, but wanted to be sure, so I did a bunch of jumping jacks. Stats are below...

calories consumed: 1503
calories burned: 3424
total deficit: 1921

I feel like the day got away from me and I find myself asking, "where did the day go?" do you ever feel like that? I know I was productive yesterday and today in my apartment and hitting calorie burn, but still don't feel like I accomplished much because I wasn't in the gym or the pool.

I think tomorrow will be a very active day, and I will be at the gym for sure, hopefully doing C25K!! and for sure some weights.

Have a wonderful day!
Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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