Thursday, August 19, 2010


I was half way through my post and it got, here I go again.......

Well, an early strange! For the next four days I have a job that is one hour away. That's not a big deal, but the reason the post is early is because I need to be at the job at 7am!! It will be nice because it is at the ocean. I LOVE being by the ocean, and since I have no other work tomorrow, I plan to pack up food for the day, extra clothes and shoes, and a sweatshirt for sure!!! It will be overcast until noon, I'm sure, but I hope to take a nice long walk along the coast! It will be a good work out to walk on the sand too.

I am starting to see the signs of the body type change. When I was playing hockey yesterday, I got a sunburn on the back of my neck and upper back. Why is that a sign??? my shirt was so big that it was slipping down in the back, I guess!

Last night I got 8.5 hours of sleep. Today I had no work, but took advantage of the day to get all of my errands done in one day instead of trying to squeeze then in after I have worked a long day. The bank, Target, and then to Whole Foods. Before I shopped, I got lunch there. A banana and some cabbage salad, it was sooo delicious. I took time for myself, ate it at a table there and then wrote about 10 cards to kids I know that will be starting school in the next week or two. It felt nice to just not be rushing around, which has been my life for so long. I do miss the work, but am trying to embrace the down time and not just lay around and do nothing. THen, to the post office, then the grocery store for my mom and dropped some things off there, then home to unload my groceries!! Well, I had big plans to work out a lot, but my facebook account got restored today, and I took the time to respond to all of the messages I got, that were asking if I was okay. I ended up not going to the gym for only about 45 minutes. I did the treadmill and weights. I walked on the treadmill and did two 7.0 sprints for 30 seconds each. It felt good, but my knee is a bit stiff. Now to do the crunches and the push ups..I j ust remembered..I'll be back!
***50 wall push ups, 20 knee bent push ups(10 from today, 10 from yesterday), and 225crunches.

Even with my fitness focus, I still have to get regular day to day things done, along with searching for more work each day and sometimes, it just feels a little overwhelming. I have not felt too energetic or eager to do much of anything this week. I realize that this feeling comes once a month, and so I'm guessing that I won't be moving much closer to my goal this week, but I will keep working towards it no matter what.

So, I have a freind that told me about a spa that she went to. It was recently rated the #1 destination spa in the world last month. It is called Rancho la Puerta. When she was there, she learned that the 5 things you need to lose weight are:
#1- cardio
#5-consume fewer calories

well, I am doing all of the above, except the relaxing part. That is my biggest challenge. I think that the meditating and yoga may count as relaxing though. I do need to take time for myself, that is true. She suggested that I go there for one of my "rewards". Unfortunately, I am still trying to get the money together to go on the Jillian cruise in October! I am taking jobs that I am offered, and still have the goal to go on the cruise, but it may be a last minute thing..we'll see how it goes. I am hopeful and looking towards the positive. For now, I will focus on the fitness and the rest will come if it is meant to be!!!

I am now off to get ready for bed and get my 7 hours of sleep before my big day. I will report back tomorrow and hopefully have a huge calorie deficit too!

Ugg...I almost forgot my stats, here they are:
calories burned: 2342
calories consumed:1116
calorie deficit:1226

I also didn't have as many waking hours to work with either. so, better numbers in the next 3 days!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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