Thursday, August 19, 2010


How did I forget to post Wednesday??

I thinik because I thought I would burn a ton of calories, but really wasn't feeling up to anything, and then was really tired..strange day!!!

4 games of hockey with a 12 year old, C25K, Week 4,Day 2, 50 wall push ups, and 225 crunches. 3800 calorie burn...only 2200 deficit. Oh, i guess those are my stats for the day.

I was feeling really tired and really hungry for the day. It was strange!!! in the eve, I ended up eating half a gf chocolate chip cookie and i still only went over my calories 53 for the day. I was talking to a runner today. She said that when she runs, she is waaay more hungry. I know that I need to listen to that, or my body won't be getting enough calories either. I still go back to why I ate the half of a cookie. It's not a big deal, I can eat a cookie, but nothing sounded good. I hate to say it or bring it up, but I think that I am feeling this way for a that comes every month. So, not expecting a huge change in weight this week.

The crunches felt more challenging last week, and I didn't do the 10 bent knee push ups, just 50 wall push ups. Tomorrow will be better, and even though I didn't hit my 3000 calorie deficit, but I hit 2000, and that was better than nothing, right? I feel like I have been saying that all week. I think it is good to just let you know w hat I am feeling. If you are reading this and going through a journey like me, maybe you feel the same way. Maybe you have some words of encouragement for me, I don't know.

Tomorrow will be a great day. No matter what type of day I have, I do my best to look at the positive in it.

I wanted to say that since I haven't had facebook, I have turned to Twitter to get some motivation and stay in touch with some people that inspire me too. So, though this is a "jillian inspired journey", I have to say that Bob from the biggest loser has inspired me too, along with so many of the people who were on the show. I am now following them on twitter too, and it's been great. Thank you to all of you for your inspiration!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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