Friday, November 26, 2010


I got 10 hours of sleep after a pretty lazy day on Monday. I know that I haven't run and I have the 5K on thursday and my hip is still sore. Dr. Hoffman told me to not run Monday after his adjustment, and to take it easy. He also mentioned that when I do the 5K that I need to listen to my body. If it hurts too much, don't push it. I was feeling a little under the weather. I wasn't sick, but my nose was a bit stuffy and I felt just sooo tired! I spent the day napping and not eating all that great, but not terrible. I have not been good about tracking food since I got back from the cruise. I am often told that I put too many pressure on the mini goals, but I guess my thought is that if I miss one component, then it breaks down the process, even if it is just mentally. I got out of the habit of crunches and push ups after the cruise also. The crunches I stopped mainly because Jillian made a comment on the cruise that in retrospect, I think I misinterpreted. I think that what she was saying was that you can't just do crunches to get rid of belly fat, that will help tone and develop the muscles, but you need cardio to get rid of the fat on top of the muscles. I figured this out when I happened to watch that TV show, THE DOCTORS. They talked about this issue, and I heard the guest say this, and it dawned on me that that was probably what Jillian meant...ugggg, my silly brain. Well, I get it now, and those things will go back on my daily list of things to do.

The plan is materializing and I will push some new goals this week.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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