Monday, November 29, 2010

Spectacular Sunday!

What a spectacular day!!

I slept for about 7 hours, so what a way to start the day!! I had a nice breakfast, and did a couple of things around my apartment, and then off to take care of the twins for about 4 hours. They are about 4 months old now, and much more active than when I watched them overnight, but we took a nice walk and hung out a bit at the house too.

After I left I headed to Santa Cruz to see Grace and Charlotte! Did I ever mention who they are, I'm sure I did, but just in case, let me explain. I was a nanny for them for 4.5 years. When I started, I just had Grace, Charlotte came along about 6 months later. I love these girls so much!! Well, I got there, and was greeted with many hugs and kisses, it was wonderful! I used to get that 4 days a week for 4.5 years roughly, and I really miss it! The girls didn't know what they wanted to go and do, so we just started out reading stories, Charlotte was excited to show me her soccer trophy and other things in her room. Grace was very excited about decorating the Christmas tree with her mom, so she didn't come up. We finally decided to go out and get a Jamba Juice. I had planned on taking them to dinner at Fresh Choice, but it didn't work out that way, which was completely fine. I wanted to get a Jamba Juice so badly, but I didn't, and felt completely fine about it too! My eating habits have been so out of whack that it felt like a little victory today. More things with the girls, but you don't really need the details, right? I guess I wanted to give you a little taste of it so you could maybe understand a bit of how I feel when I am with them.

I think that I wanted to share that with you because it was a mood lifter for me. Though it is always hard to leave them, I felt so "up" and energized when I left!

I ran to 2 stores to pick up a few things, but have to go back out tomorrow because I couldn't find everything that I needed. When I got home, I sprung into action. I knew that I needed a "fresh start" like when I began this journey. There were just things that needed to be taken care of in my apartment so...4 loads of laundry, 2 loads/unloads in the dishwasher, and really cleaned the entire apartment! When I write it out, it really doesn't sound like much, but believe me, it was! It is such an amazing feeling!!

I was able to burn over 3100 calories, and am really looking forward to Monday. As you can see, no gym activity. My hip is so incredibly sore, but it is mainly after I have not been using it, like sitting/sleeping. I'm actually not super thrilled about the weigh-in, but when you read tomorrow's blog, you will understand why am am so thrilled about it.

It is now about 3:20am, and I am finally tired and need to get some sleep if I am going to meet my goals tomorrow. Tomorrow's blog is going to really to be some great new stuff.

Learning and Growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


  1. next time you're at jamba, you should try a PROTEIN BERRY WORKOUT. you can get it with either whey or soy protein powder, and its relatively low(er) in calories than your typical-sugar-filled juices! its the only thing i ever order from JJ, everything else just isn't worth it!

  2. Thanks, Joslyn I'll check it out. I actually get an all fruit smooothie. Aloha pineapple with no yogurt, not sherbet, substitute strawberries and pineapple juice ..add soy protien. I don't do refined sugars for the most part. I will see if protein berry workout has gluten-also, i won't do sugar substitutes. I don't go to Jamba very often, but I'll look up your suggestion..thanks!!!
