Monday, September 20, 2010

help from a great friend

Another fun filled day in Oregon. I felt pretty tired today, but not really sure why. I got to go see my friend's new store then I got to hang out with the kids for the day. It was a very low key day with the kids, just hanging out with the kids and saw a friend and her kids that live here i met her through Ellen and visited with her. She is very supportive of my journey, and it was so thoughtful of her to listen and catch up too. I planned to just work out using the Wii tonight since Ellen needed to get a huge amount of work done. However, she ended up getting back earlier and put the kids to bed so then I went to the gym in the evening for an hour, I forgot my knee braces and my ipod, and I had a slight headache, but I did walk and run for about 15 minutes and then that machine "nustep" for about 15 minutes and then did the bike for about 15 more. I ran an errand and then came back and did free step on the Wii for an hour then did my push ups and crunches. It was so nice of Ellen to do that. She could have just done other things, and instead, she knew that I had a commitment to this and she cut her time short. Thanks, Ellen!

I got about 8 hours of sleep last night, but did wake up about 3 times.
my stats:
calories burned: 3316
calories consumed: 1491
calorie deficit: 1825

So, I am off to go to get some sleep. Weigh in #13 in the morning and last day here, then I plan to go to the gym and do my last run in week 8 (28 minutes) and some weights before I head back home.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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