Wednesday, September 15, 2010

28 min run and new pants

Well, the day started out with watching 4 month old twins at 6am. When i got dressed this morning, I decided to pull out a pair of pants, the next size down from what I have been wearing. Well, they fit!!! I was feeling pretty good about that! I was able to take them for 2 walks, which was great for the girls and for my goal! Even though I was done at 1pm, I knew that I had 2 more big obligations and no way could I work out at night.

So, I left the first job and changed right away and went to the gym. I had to do Week 8, day 1(5 min warm up, 28 min run and 5 min cool down) At minute #2 of the run, I wanted to stop. My knees were fine, my hips were having a bit of trouble, but mainly, I just felt like it was so hard. Yes, I checked the incline, I learned my lesson on that one! Due to the time limit, I didn't go to 24 hour fitness and use the great treadmill, I used the one at my apartment complex. It works, but just doesn't go as smoothly. Well, this run was one of the biggest struggles that I have had since I started running. I was checking the countdown every minute or so. I wanted to quit, but I had told someone that by the time I saw them this week, I would be at 28 minutes. I also heard Jillian's voice, "really, you're going to quit because it's hard, seriously?" I also started thinking about Jillian's workout that she will be doing with us on the cruise and realized no chance of quitting. It was all mental, and I worked through it and did it! I even did a 7.0 sprint during the cool down.

then I had a job and a buiness meeting to go to. The job was very sedentary, and it was difficult to stay in the apartment for 3+hours. Sitting at the meeting was tough also. However, at the meeting, I talked with someone and basically, I have set a new "mini" goal. By Oct 5, I will a total of 50 pounds closer to my goal. Then I will be half way to my goal!!!

When I got home, I was really tired, but knew I had to do my push ups and crunches. So, I did them and went to bed. Still late, and another early morning on Wednesday.

Stats for the day:
Like I mentioned yesterday, not much sleep.
calories burned:3484
calories consumed:1825
calorie deficit:1659

I was bummed when I saw that I didn't stay under in consumed calories, but I made a veggie wrap with a store bought gf tortilla. It tasted great, and would have been fine, but I added a serving of tortilla chips. I was just so hungry after the run, but clearly taht wasn't the right choice. If I wouldn't have had those, I would have been just under 1600, and thus my deficit would have hit only 100 away from my goal.

Have a bunch planned, to get done today, I might take a nap and then work out later, because the way I feel now(wed morn) I could not physically do it. it will be early to bed tonight also.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. You may want to keep some thick cucumber slices in the fridge for those times when you're still hungry. You'll have something crunchy and satisfying.
