Hi all! sorry for the delay, but when i tried to post yesterday, I kept getting interrupted and never was able to get the information up. so, have you been moving? watching your meals? Seems like in this cold weather, we all want to stay bundled up, watching tv/movies, eating "comfort food". Trust me, I get it, but after yesterday(Tuesday) and the major eating, it was great to be out of that feeding frenzie!! Hoss just blogged about comfort, I urge you all to check it out, I couldn't agree more with his comments!! I'm sure you all know the blog address by now, but if not, here it is: https://newhosscity.wordpress.com/
Feeling much better on Wednesday compared to Tuesday!! Food was not an issue at all, and I was even able to go to 2 jobs and work out without feeling totally dead!!
I got up feeling better after a great sleep! I packed up food, different types of food, none that involved cooking :) I didn't have those crazy cravings, but needed to eat about every 3 hours. I headed home and stopped to get some yoga DVD's. I looked at the library but unfortunately, they didn't have the ones that I wanted, so I stopped at Target. Allison recommended Rodney Yee, so that is what I got. I actually found a beginner one and one that is just AM workouts, so I got both for $24.00! when I got home, i really wanted to be able to run on the treadmill and since I knew that I needed to do C25K, week1, day 3, i chose that over the yoga tonight. it was harder tonight, but while I was running I remembered that I had eaten less than an hour before. It is rare that I exercise that close to eating because of something that I learned on the cruise. I think it was from Jeanette Jenkins, though it might have been Marco Borges. Either way, here's the idea about eating and exercise...when you eat your stomach needs all of your energy and if memory serves, a large amount of blood also so trying to exercise during that time is really a bad idea because you can’t get maximum use of your body. That’s where the old warning of “don’t swim for an hour after eating” came from. **all of you cruise buddies, help me out on this one, who said it, and did I get the details correct? It might not affect everyone the same way, but that is for sure how I am affected. Even though I was tired, I did it. I am walking at 3.6 and running at 4.6. I notice that my stride is better since learning more about running when I watched the story about Steve Prefontaine, some good tips for sure. Oh, I almost forgot, Jeannette Jenkins tweeted to get those 200 crunches in before bed…so, I did 200 crunches too! I remember when I was doing 400, and these 200 were tough! It will all come back soon..muscle memory is great!
I look in the mirror and don’t see any major improvements. Maybe it’s because I lost 50 and gained some back. Maybe it’s because my muscles atrophied when I was not doing as much activity or maybe a combination of all of those things. All I know is that these thighs and this belly seem to have more jiggle than I remember..sorry for the visual. I am going to do 200 crunches each night, when I was doing that and push-ups every day, I noticed more tone and felt better about things. I’m a “charts” person, so this weekend, a new chart goes up to track it. I won’t increase the amount of crunches each week like I was before, but once these get fairly easy and my abs aren’t killing me, then I will increase. Next week, I will add the push-ups back in. Remember the “plan, do, check, adjust”? well, I’m checking my current results with the ones that I had in the past, and in the past, these two things helped to get the results that I desired, so, I am adjusting my routine and adding them back in to my daily activity.
Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou
Good Plan! I love the logging idea! As for the eating and who said what...Marco Borges and Janette Jenkins seem to have different views on eating - esp. AFTER workout! Janette says not to eat after workout for 2hrs and esp. not carbs and Marco says "You might have heard of the importance of protein right after your workouts to help rebuild muscle tissue. However, carbs are just as important because of their ability to restore muscle glycogen. If your post-workout meal doesn't contain carbs, your body will actually tear more muscle down in order to restore muscle glycogen. Protein shakes are usually a great way to get the right amount of both (about 2 to 1 carbs to protein). It's best to eat less than 30 minutes after your workout and no more than an hour"
ReplyDeleteI did find this from the web:
"Most of the fuel you use during exercise doesn’t come from the food you’ve recently eaten! It actually comes from the carbohydrates (called “glycogen”) and fat that’s stored in your muscles, liver, and fat cells. That’s enough to fuel 1-2 hours of very intense exercise or 3-4 hours of moderate intensity exercise.
This means that if your overall diet is adequate to keep your fuel tanks topped off, you may not need to eat anything before you work out. So, if eating before exercise upsets your stomach or you like to exercise first thing in the morning or at a time when eating first isn’t convenient, don’t feel like eating first is a must.
Some people do have a hard time exercising without eating first, especially if it’s been a long time since their last meal or snack. These individuals often are more sensitive to changes in their blood sugar levels, which fall during the first 15-20 minutes of workout. That drop in blood sugar can cause tiredness, mild dizziness, or even faintness—especially if your blood sugar was already low, but eating something beforehand can help prevent this. If you have health issues like diabetes or hypoglycemia that can cause low blood sugar, you’ll probably want to eat before your workout. If you get very hungry during a workout (and it interferes with your energy levels or focus), or become so ravenous after an exercise session that you end up overeating, try eating before you hit the gym to avoid these problems"
That is my research and I guess we all just have to find what works for us!! So many conflicting reports! I know I need to eat something before working out and usually 1hr before and I often have a protein drink and fruit within 1 hr after so I get ravenous!