Saturday, October 30, 2010

frustrating Friday

An early job, and walking the dogs again. Then grand plans for a great dinner and workout. Unfortunately, things just sort of started to weigh me down.

For what I think was the first time in this journey, I did some emotional eating. I was starving after walking the dogs which was a terrible mistake. I ate a huge dinner and then added things after eating that. I knew what I was doing, but when stressed, normally I have been just shutting down and doing nothing and being a slug at home, watching DVD's or whatever. This time, I ate, and it is frustrating. I wasn’t sure where that came from, until I thought about it more last night when writing to "coach Sabra". Here's what I started to realize: last week I didn't move as close to my goal as I anticipated, I have I hit a half way goal, went on the cruise, and now comes the real work of completing the second half of my journey.

The cruise introduced me to so many different people, the ones that I connected with were so incredibly fit, they were amazing and inspiring! They all made me excited to know where I was going physically, and gave me the support that I needed to visualize me in the same physical shape! However, I think that it scared me a bit knowing what I will physically be doing to get in better shape and reach my goals. It is sort of like how I felt when I started the C25K program and when I saw that I would be running 20 minutes, and increasing it until I could run a 5K. I think that I needed to work through it mentally. As I have said before, this is so mental. I think that the reason that I haven't gotten to my goal and maintained it is because I do the "work" with food and exercise, but haven't done the mental homework in examining myself and how I am feeling.

In retrospect, the thing that probably would have made all the difference would have been to have a small meal, walk the dogs, go to the gym and then a bigger dinner. So, even though today was a bit of a physical set back, I have moved forward mentally.

got about 5 hours of sleep
calories burned: 2438
caloris consumed:
calorie deficit:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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